There are a collection of church leaders who functioned after the Apostles, but before the Council of Nicea, that navigated the church through some of its most difficult days of persecution. The Diocletian Persecution, which began in 285 AD nearly destroyed the church but it was the writings of whom we now call the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers that sustained the church and help to cause it to survive in the face of adversity.
In this course we take a close look at 15 of those early church fathers to gain a sense of their biography and immense teaching that they gave to the church. No serious student of Christianity can ignore the central role these figures played in the development of the church. Much, if not most of what we believe today can be traced back to the theological foundation that was established by these early church theologians.
Your Instructor
Bishop Lewter holds degrees from Oberlin College, Harvard University and the United Theological Seminary. Over the years, he has created over 50 online courses and have served hundreds of student from all across the country and world. With over 40 years of pastoral experience, Bishop Lewter has combined his practical professional experience with his scholastic experiences to provide students a unique blend of the academy and the church community.